3 Acclaimed Benefits of Yoga Nidra!

There are a variety of different reasons why people become interested in learning about and practicing Yoga Nidra.

In this article, you will discover 3 of the most highly acclaimed benefits of yoga Nidra that many people experience with this powerful meditation practice.

3 Acclaimed Benefits of Yoga Nidra!

Yoga Nidra Benefit #1 - You begin to find yourself no longer avoiding situations that use to cause you a lot of stress - Believe it or not, sometimes the only thing that is getting in the way of you achieving the kind of success, happiness, and overall fulfillment that you want in your life is your habit of avoiding situations that cause you a lot of stress even though in the long-term they would benefit you greatly.

Of course, once you begin practicing Yoga Nidra on a daily basis you suddenly begin to find yourself experiencing less and less stress and able to do much more. In fact, what oftentimes happens is you find yourself faced with a situation that you know causes you stress and then when you are done with that situation you suddenly realize you didn't experience any kind of stress or dis-ease over it at all.

Yoga Nidra Benefit #2 - Allows you to begin to have a real relationship with yourself - Let's be honest, if you are anything like me you have a variety of different voices running around in your head and you think they all are you. If you don't think you have any voices in your head, ask yourself who is "thinking" that and how do you know that it is you.

Anyhow, the practice of Yoga Nidra takes you to a level of deep stillness (with regular practice) that allows you to become aware of who you really are when you let go of everything that you aren't. Of course, having a real relationship with yourself tends to lead to you making more empowering decisions that are in alignment with who you really are.

Yoga Nidra Benefit #3 - Gain an increase of awareness what truly resonates with you - With so many options available to you in this time and age and everyone saying that you can be and do whatever you want. Oftentimes we lose sight of what truly resonates deep within ourselves and truly is what we are here for.

As you practice Yoga Nidra more and more on a daily basis you will begin to notice what resonates with you and what doesn't as well as what the experience of being aligned with what resonates with you and what doesn't, both of which leads to you making more empowered and beneficial decisions for yourself.

In the end, when it comes to Yoga Nidra the truth of the matter is all you have to do is simply relax and start practicing this powerful meditation technique on a daily basis to truly begin to understand the benefits you will receive from it.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4899948