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1 HR Full YOGA CLASS WORKOUT, sensual, Fitness, Exercise, kegel exercises panties, SEXY BLONDE

Finding a Kundalini Yoga Retreat

Searching for a retreat that moves a step beyond relaxation and rejuvenation begins with what you desire to do most. If you want to look at altering your health, gaining practical tools and connecting with cutting edge mentors during your stay away from home, then you can look at options such as a Kundalini Yoga Retreat. This allows you to connect to a place not only with the land, but also with the individuals that are offering different approaches to health, well - being and rejuvenation.
The approaches used with a Kundalini Yoga Retreat focus on specific types of exercises and healing for your well - being. Kundalini Yoga has a specific approach and exercise sequences that are used to raise your energy level. This is combined with the expectations that are associated with the Kundalini practices and which are able to transfer your energies into a higher state with the practice. The practitioners that are working with you are then able to alter your energy while allowing you to move forward with the practice.
When looking for a Kundalini Yoga Retreat, you will not only want to consider the basic movements with energy. There are different mentors that are able to provide instruction and value to the movements that you learn. Each of the Yoga sequences are designed not only to help with your physical being, but also are able to provide you with a deeper understanding of how Yoga and Kundalini affects your chakra system and your everyday life. By placing this into the practice, you will easily be able to move forward with the practice to help with clearing and changing your energetic fields.
After looking at the practice of the Kundalini Yoga Retreat by practitioner, you will want to look at the options used for the practice. Most retreats are offered specifically with groups that are able to study together under a specific theme and at a certain time. However, there are also options for private retreats or custom retreats that are recommended by those interested in the retreat setting. Adding these into your considerations can help you to find alternatives with the practices you are involved in.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8104050

Certification Benefits for a Yoga Instructor

Many people today are turning towards yoga as a way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle thus proper training and guidance of yoga and its practice is required. This can only be achieved by a certified yoga instructor. Yoga certification allows one become a part of the people seeking a healthy way to maintain balance of their mind, body and soul and as one does this, it serves to also sharpen their own skills and gain more expertise. Other various benefits of yoga certification include:

Increased Credibility

A person with relevant credentials is more credible than a person without. People will tend to believe in an individual who can prove that they have the skills and technical know-how to deliver.

Increased Business Opportunities

For a yoga instructor looking to instruct yoga for business purposes, certification opens up business opportunities like organizing yoga workshops in institutions such as universities, colleges, schools and community gatherings. One can also set up a consultancy firm.

 Easier Student Recruitment

Students will want to learn from a certified yoga instructor. If one wishes to start their own private training school, certification will increase enquiries and registration of students without necessarily having to engage in a lot of marketing activities.

Greater Chances of Getting Employed

Many employers like to employ competent skilled personnel, therefore being certified will increase the chances of an instructor being hired to work in places such as training centers like a gymnasium, social centers, rehabilitation centers, hospitals or even at health spas.

Increased Pay

Whether an individual chooses to open a private training center or chooses to be employed, being certified will increase an instructor's chances of getting a higher pay.

Legal Protection

Even though yoga may not seem as dangerous as other exercise disciplines, there is always the probability that a student may get injured while being instructed on yoga techniques either by not having prepared well or from performing a move incorrectly. Being a certified instructor makes it easier for an individual to purchase liability insurance which is a must have.

Boosts Confidence

Yoga certification boosts self confidence in an instructor as one knows that they are fully qualified and competent and have the required skills to train yoga techniques. A certified instructor is competent in engaging in safe yoga classes as one has adequate tools required to solve general queries.

Broadens Skills and Specialty

In order to teach some types of yoga like the Ashtanga yoga, an instructor needs to be fully certified as it requires a lot of dedication and patience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8109859

Top 4 Health Benefits You Never Knew About Yoga

People know yoga to be health, but just how healthy is it? What other benefits will you gain from practicing it, apart from maintaining a good body shape? Such questions are common asked by beginners in yoga during a yoga retreat or yoga teacher training.

This article will help you understand just how yoga improves your health and these are not the usual benefits you may know of. Keep reading.

· Makes you much happier

You might think this is just a hoax, but yoga has proven to reduce depression and other mental conditions like stress too. According to scientists, the human body has hormones called serotonin which are produced in high levels with continuous yoga practice.

These hormones and the prefrontal cortex (left one), are findings that have been related to not only increasing happiness, but also your immunity. Therefore, next time you are feeling down after going through something; try sitting in Lotus or a back bend into a King-dancer pose.

· Helps create and maintain healthy relationships

Most of you must be thinking of marriages and couples, but yoga will help you become closer to your loved ones from all corners; spouses, siblings, friends or even parents. The most common scenarios are family members always having arguments over almost everything.

This makes your minds to be unsettled and you maintain very unhappy moods, which kills the bond you had with each other. Yoga helps to relax the mind by entering a peaceful state of mind, which in turn eradicates negative thoughts.

· Improves your immune system

Did you know that your body is a blend of three; mind, body and the spirit? Any abnormality in that occurs in your mind will disrupt the body and vice versa. For example, most people who suffer from headaches are caused by an irregularity in the body and not stress (especially when you do not have anything on your mind).
Through yoga, this can be dealt with by improving your immunity. How does this happen? The exercises include massages to pressure points, meditation to release any negativity and doing poses that will definitely strengthen your whole body.

· Slows aging process

One major role yoga plays in improving your health is by stimulating detoxification. This is a process where toxins of every king are removed from your system; it is more like cleansing the mind and body. Aging is known to progress rapidly with such toxins in your system, therefore by this process; it will be greatly delayed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8013507

Cure Cervical Cancer Through Diet, Yoga and Meditation

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and almost 4,000 cases were fatal just last year. Conventional treatments for cervical cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hysterectomy, or the removal of lymph nodes and ovaries can often leave the woman infertile. However, alternatives exist for women who seek a more holistic approach to improving their bodies' responses to cancer. Cervical cancer can be remedied in ways alternative to conventional, damaging treatments. Instead of harsh treatments that can wreak havoc on the body, a combination of yoga, meditation, and a raw vegan diet can be a much more gentle and beneficial method for healing.

A raw vegan diet, for instance, is based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, sprouts, grains, nuts, beans, and seaweed. Raw foods and juices deliver pure, powerful nutrients straight to your system and are full of antioxidants and enzymes, which are vital to good health. Antioxidants, for example, reduce the cellular by-products of free radicals, which can lead to cancer. According to Leslie Kenton, author of Raw Energy, "Doctors and scientists confirm that raw diets not only prevent colds and flu and retard aging, but they can also help to cure cancer, diabetes, ulcers and arthritis."
When Amanda Deming learned she had cervical cancer from her pap smear results, she revised the way she prepared and ate food, instead of getting surgery to remove the cancerous cells. Not only did Deming decide against conventional treatment and chose to heal her body naturally, but she became a raw food chef, as well. "I think that you are what you eat and whatever you put into your body is definitely going to manifest. If you`re eating foods on a higher vibration, you`re going to run on a higher vibration," said Deming.

In addition to what you put in your body, it is also valuable to pay attention to how you treat your body. Yoga, including kundalini yoga, which focuses on awareness and chakra balancing, reduces stress and combats life-threatening conditions like cancer. For instance, yoga and meditation help cancer patients to use their breath to heal the body. According to Deming, "I think once you get into meditation, you`re able to listen to your body and you are actually more in tune to everything that`s going on around you--especially from within."

Deming, like many other yoga practitioners, learned to use her own body to heal itself. Today, she is cancer-free and is a certified yoga teacher, raw food chef, massage therapist and singer. "I plan to live a long and healthy life full of positive energy, vibrant foods, great people and just be happy, healthy and holy." Cervical cancer can be a formidable obstacle and life-threatening deterrence, but it need not be a nonnegotiable battle with one's body, as Deming's case affirms. Through the use of meditation and yoga, in addition to adopting a raw food diet, one may even emerge stronger, healthier, and wiser.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3550561

The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in Stress Reduction

Yoga is an extensively popular form of stress reduction, a way of life, and has been recently classified as a form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by the National Institutes of Health. The physical postures, or asanas, forms of meditation, and breathing techniques, called pranayama, are the most popular practices associated with yoga in modern culture. They are known to aid individuals in not only improving physical fitness and cardiovascular efficiency, but also in lowering stress and anxiety levels, as supported by data compiled from multiple research studies in an article published in the International Journal of Yoga in late 2011.

In general, yoga practices divert neural signals away from the sympathetic system, which is known to control adrenaline associated with the fight-or-flight response, to the parasympathetic system, which handles relaxation by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Moreover, yoga helps to increase activity in the parts of the brain linked to pleasure and reward, and lower it in parts like the amygdala, which stimulates anger, fear, and aggression. Patients diagnosed with clinical depression have also benefited from yoga in the long-term as a form of complementary therapy, as it has been shown to not only induce increases in serotonin levels, but also decrease enzymes that process cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.

Many people picture yoga as a posturing practice, but it's necessary to remember that meditation and pranayama are monumental parts of a complete practice. Meditation has been demonstrated to not only decrease stress levels, but also induce changes in brain physiology. Eileen Luders, a researcher in the UCLA School of Medicine, conducted a study in 2009 that compared the MRIs of 22 meditators, with 5-46 years of experience, with 22 non-meditators, and found that meditators had increased gray matter in the areas of the brain associated with attention, regulating emotions, and decision-making. In effect, meditators were more focused and better equipped to deal with negative or stressful situations and make logical, mindful decisions.

Similarly, in 2009, Philippe Goldin, a project director in Stanford University, monitored individuals taking an 8-week course on meditation and yoga. Results from their MRIs showed that subjects had increased brain activity while processing negative statements, yet decreased activity in the amygdala at the same time. In other words, subjects were able to deal with negative thoughts and stress in a more positive and healthy manner, rather than resort to anger or fear. More importantly, participants reported a higher level of self-esteem and showed less stress, anxiety, and self-deprecation.

Although yoga and meditation do not have the same purposes or effects as prescription drugs or counseling, they are undeniably useful as catalysts in lessening negative emotions like stress, anxiety, or even depression; not only psychologically, but also neurologically. If you suffer from any such symptoms, consider yoga or other meditative practices as a form of complementary therapy to aid in starting you on the path towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. Stress reduction is one sure benefit for living a better life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8022971